About this blog

fat_tone_final4_med1.jpgFat Tone Guitars is a guitar effect pedal, guitar and amp webstore and showroom in the Chicago suburb of Northbrook. Fat Tone prides itself in its laid-back, comfortable environment which is prime for guitar browsing.

Fat Tone carries the most guitar effect pedals in the Chicago area.  Great pedals from Keeley Electronics, Fulltone, Barber Electronics, MJM Guitar FX, Blackout Effectors, Earthquaker Devices, Electro-Harmonix, TC Electronic, Tech 21, MXR, ZVex and more.

Here, we’ll talk about guitars, music, amps and anything else that needs discussing.

Fat Tone Guitars was founded in 2007 by Phil Vickman and is located in Northbrook, IL.

2 responses to “About this blog

  1. I see you carry an Eastwood guitar in TV yellow. I’ve been reading up on some early history of guitars, and know that bright yellow as a color for guitars was first used in the 1950s. Reason was that it was believed that white guitars would reflect too much light and be glaring on the early black & white TVs. The yellow came off as white, and the name TV Yellow was given to the color. It has remained popular as a color for guitars for half a century.

  2. 🙂

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